Wokingahm Word article - March 2010

Awareness of God ...

For centuries prayerful people have found direction for their lives by using a daily awareness ‘examen’.

St Ignatious introduced the examen method of praying and believed he had received it direct from God as a way to enrich all our lives. It is a way of finding out where God is and has been in all things of our day, and to grant us the freedom to let Gods will be done on earth. Even in our busy 21st century lives it is surprising where we can find God even when we are not looking.

So take a moment any time in your day, at the traffic lights, as you wait for the lift, as you walk the familiar path home or even as you turn out the light at the end of the day. Be still and think; for what moments of today am I most grateful? …Remember those who have helped or influenced you and just give thanks for them and their lives. Even if it is years since you had a conversation with God he is still listening and it is a great way to start the relationship by holding up those who have
touched our lives and asking a blessing on them.

Then think again of your day, which moments are you least grateful for? Who upset you, who got a taste of your sharp tongue? Or maybe you heard some bad news; offer these incidents to God as well. Remembering the bad things again can sometimes put them in perspective and you realise, ‘yes I was a little stubborn then’ or ‘I see now I should not have lost my temper’.

When you have done both, reflect on what you have discovered about yourself and God through this. You may be surprised how often 'coincidences’ occur, and how many small kindness have been done by you or even to you. Once our lives focus more on others and thanking God for them, we become much less self-centred and often find ways to do more to help our fellows on the journey.

As you make this a regular event you may try changing the focus; What was the most life-giving part of today or the most life thwarting? This can move you on spiritually and you may find yourself asking; When today was I most aware of being connected with God or being instep with him? When did I feel least connected or out of step.

You can always make up your own examen question, one you can remember and that works for your daily life, this can also be a weekly event, when you can sit quietly and reflect.

Be at peace with God, be still and let God love you.

A member of Churches Together in Wokingham

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